Although I am a personal development blogger by profession, I am in no way a mental health professional. See my disclaimer for more info.
Want to get a head start on your week? Here are 22 productive Sunday reset routine ideas to prepare for a successful week!

Do you want to get a head start and be in control of how your week goes? You should consider making a Sunday reset routine.
About 4 years ago, I created my own version of this. Every Saturday, I sleep in, disinfect my room, wash and deep condition my hair, and do a few more things. You might consider these chores but they’re really a form of self care in a way. I specifically do this on Saturday so I can relax on Sunday, but you can totally do this on any day of the week that you want.
Having this kind of routine helps you to recoop and prepare for a new week. You get to mentally get rid of whatever happened last week and head into this week with a new, refreshed mindset. If you want to learn how to make a Sunday reset routine that works for you, keep reading.
This post is all about Sunday reset routine ideas.
What is a Sunday reset routine?
A Sunday reset routine is a weekly routine that you do at the start of every week. You clean, organize, and do self-care do prepare for the new week to come.
This day doesn’t have to be anything too serious. It can be as simple as enjoying a longer morning routine or reading all day.
It’s important to reset for the week so you can shed what happened last week and head into a new week fully refreshed. It’s reassuring to know that you get a chance to live a new week full of inspiring opportunities.
Your Sunday will look different than mine, so please remember that. Don’t feel like you have to put all these tasks on your to-do list and mark them off to feel productive.
Maybe you feel it’s better to do your reset routine on Saturday instead of Sunday so you enjoy a relaxing Sunday. This is actually what I do and I recommend trying it so you can have a nice, laid-back start to your week. It also helps you avoid falling victim to the “Sunday scaries,” so it’s great.
How to customize your Sunday:
Like I said, your Sunday won’t be the same as mine. My to-do list might look longer than yours or maybe you simply want to spend the day napping.
This is why you need to figure out how you’re going to make your routine personal.
Here are the steps to make the ultimate weekly reset day.
1. figure out what you need to do
If you’re going to go on the more productive side of things, figure out the tasks that you need to do. Spend some time thinking about the things you’d like to accomplish by the end of the day.
What are some things that you put off last week? Is there any household cleaning that you need to do? Do you need to catch up on homework?
I’m not saying all this to overwhelm you. If anything, your Sunday reset is supposed to be chill and realistic. It probably won’t look like what you see in those “Day in My Life” TikToks where those “it girls” run 30 errands in a 2-hour window.
Only do what you need and can handle mentally and physically. You don’t want to be exhausted by the end of the day!
2. Make a schedule
You should plan how and when you’re going to complete your tasks so you’ll be prepared. For example, say you’re planning on cleaning your bathroom and doing your laundry. In your schedule, you can plan to clean between 10-11AM and do laundry between 2-4PM.
Did you notice that I left a gap? I did that on purpose. Make sure you fit in time for a break.
By the time I get about halfway through my Sunday reset, I feel a bit tired because I’m on ‘go mode.’ If I want to get everything done, I have to sit for about an hour to relax my mind and body.
You should do the same! Take this time to call a friend, take a nap, or catch up on an episode of your favorite series.
3. set the right vibe
I don’t know about you, but I need some good music playing to get in the mood to clean. (Bonus points if it’s an uptempo song by someone like Ariana Grande or Beyonce!)
It’s important to be in a good mood while you’re preparing for the week ahead. You want to get in the right headspace and have a positive approach to it. If you want to have a good week, you should start it on a good note.
That’s reasonable, right?
Put on your favorite playlist, open the blinds, and even open a window to let in that fresh breeze!
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get into some ideas for your very own Sunday reset!
Free Sunday Reset Checklist
Want to get ahead for the week? This Sunday reset checklist is perfect to help you get productive so you can have a successful week.
Click here to get the checklist now!

Sunday Reset Routine:
Sunday Chores:
Your surfaces and devices can collect a lot of dust and germs throughout the week, so it’s good to wipe them down often. I like to use Clorox wipes to wipe down my:
- Desk
- Dresser
- Nightstand
- TV remote
- Phone
- Laptop
- Headphones
- Hanging shelves
These are all things that need to be cleaned. If there’s something that you touch frequently, you need to clean it just as often.
2. Do your laundry

Doing laundry definitely isn’t fun, so it helps to have a specific day to take care of it.
And no, I don’t mean you should procrastinate until today. I’m saying that it helps to have a routine to keep things in order!
I recommend starting your first load before you start any other chores or activities for the day. That way, you can have a load going while you do something else, like take a shower. We’re all about using our time wisely over here!
3. sweep and mop your floors
Get those floors clean! If you have a robot vacuum or mop, this will make this chore so much more tolerable.
But if you don’t, go ahead and crank out that broom and dust pan (haha)!
4. Clean your devices
Yes, you want to clean your physical space, but also your digital space. If you use your phone and laptop a lot, they’re probably kind of messy by the end of the week.
You don’t want to be overwhelmed with 50 unnecessary tabs or anything like that. So, take some time to:
- Close your browser tabs
- Close any apps you’re not using
- Delete any conversations in your Messages you don’t want anymore
- Clean up your ‘Watch Later’ playlist on YouTube
- Clean up your camera roll to free some storage
- Organize your files on your computer
- Run a software cleanup app on your computer (delete junk files, optimize performance, etc.)
5. take care of the dishes
Another not-so-fun activity, but still necessary: wash the dishes.
You can make it a little more tolerable by listening to music. Maybe even open a window to let in some sunlight, too. That should put you in the right mood!
Sunday Self Care:
1. Plan for the week

Now’s the perfect time to have a planning session for the upcoming week. Whether you’re in college or have a full-time job, you should plan how you want your week to go.
The start of the week (AKA Sunday) is the perfect time to do this. You get to take a glance at what you’re about to get into and outline the details of everything.
Sit down and think about what you want and need to do in the next 7 days. What work- or school-related things do you need to include in your schedule? Don’t forget to include some time to practice self-care!
You can use a planning software like Notion if you prefer digital planning. I really like this approach because I can access my schedule across all of my devices. It’s also so much easier to customize my planner!
If you’re more of a physical planner person, you can print out my free daily planner!
Free Daily Planner
My planner is the perfect simple, yet effective daily tool to help you keep your daily life in order. It includes a task list, a notes section, and my favorite part: a daily evaluation, where you reflect on your day!
To get the planner, click here now!

2. sleep in
You worked your butt off last week, so you deserve some extra rest. This could mean 30 extra minutes or even 2 extra hours of sleep. As long as you feel rested when you wake up, that’s what matters most.
Don’t feel guilty for sleeping in every now and then. Just try to make sure to it doesn’t affect other areas of your life!
If you don’t have too many plans for the day, sleeping in seems like a exciting idea to me. It pairs perfectly with the next thing we’re going to talk about.
Throughout the week, you’re probably on ‘go mode.’ This means you don’t really have time to sit down and enjoy being present because you have a lot going on.
But on Sunday’s, you can enjoy a slow morning routine. During this, you should be intentional with everything that you do. The point is to slow down and be present in the moment.
Pay attention to how you feel when you wake up, enjoy a filling breakfast, and spend time with those who you love.
This is a great way to have a positive start to a possibly busy week!
RELATED POST:9-Step Simple Morning Routine for a Productive Day
4. Do Bible study
Tap into your spirituality by doing a Bible study on Sunday. You may not be able to make it to church or maybe you don’t really care for that type of environment. But you can surely enjoy some special time with God.
There are so many ways you can study the Bible:
- Follow a guided Bible study on YouTube
- Follow a guided study on the YouVersion Bible app or the Glorify app
- Do your own study with a physical Bible, a notebook, a pen, and some highlighters
- Meet with friend or family member for a group Bible study
As you can see, there’s a method for every type of person. Whether you prefer physical or digital Bible study, you can find a method that works for you.
5. Meditate

Another way you can tap into your spiritual side is by meditating. If you’re having trouble living in the moment and appreciating life for what it is, this is a good place to start.
This is one of those activities you can do during that break I mentioned earlier. It could take you either 10 or 45 minutes — it depends on how you feel during the process.
You may not be too open to meditating because you feel like you’re doing it “wrong.” But I recently learned a new perspective to this from Ariana Grande. Shocking, right?
There’s technically no “right” way to do it. As long as you start, you’re already moving in a good direction!
To start, find an empty space on the floor, sit criss-cross applesauce, and close your eyes. Pay attention to your thoughts and how your body feels.
It’s okay if you hear noises around you; that’s part of the experience! It might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but you’ll get the hang of it.
6. Eat a nourishing meal
This Sunday reset routine is all about preparing for a new week. That includes preparing your body also!
Make sure you give your body the nutrients that it needs to thrive. You’ll especially need this if you’re doing more tedious chores, like deep cleaning your kitchen.
It’s not just chicken and broccoli though. You can still eat your favorite foods! Just keep a good balance of all the important nutrients.
I’m certainly not a nutritionist or dietitian, nor do I encourage diet culture, so make sure you do your research for this portion of the post.
If you’re doing some time-consuming tasks, you’re probably going to feel like you need to take a break at some point. Don’t ignore your body’s signs that you need one either!
Some of these signs include:
- Tiredness
- Headache
- Lack of creativity
- Eye strain
- Back pain
As you can see, they’re quite obvious, but as a fellow workaholic, you might ignore them from time to time. But I’m telling you: you’ll feel the effects of that decision later if you do, so please don’t do it.
Change your mindset about breaks. Learn that they are healthy and very much needed. They help you restore your energy to get back to being productive.
With a break, you should relax your mind and body. Don’t do anything that requires too much attention or work. That’s the whole point in doing this anyway, right?
Here are some things you can do during your break:
- Read a few pages of the book you’re currently reading
- Watch an episode of a series you’ve been binging
- Chat it up with a close friend or family member
- Eat a snack to get more energy
- Take a 30-minute nap to feel refreshed
8. read

You might not get much time to read during the week, so this is the perfect time to do it!
When I’m in the mood to read, it’s totally something different. I feel like I’m in another universe where the grass is greener. (Okay, maybe that’s a bit much!)
You don’t even have to sit down and read a physical book. If you want to “multitask” (which isn’t real), you can listen to an audiobook while you clean or organize something.
James Clear talks about this in Atomic Habits. It’s the process of combining something you want to do with something you need to do. It’s actually quite effective, so try it sometime!
Reading helps to improve your:
- Comprehension
- Critical thinking skills
- Attention span/focus
- Imagination
- Creativity
- Vocabulary
- Overall intelligence
I’ve been taking a break from reading lately, but the last book I finished was Verity by Colleen Hoover. I feel like people have a love-hate relationship with her. I’m not sure what’s up with that, but I definitely loved Verity!
THINK: What’s the last great book you read? Tell me in the comments — I’d love to chat!
9. Wash & deep condition your hair
For my fellow POCs, you already know where this is going. We need our dedicated wash days!
I don’t have that much hair, so my hair-washing routine doesn’t take that long. But it’s enough to make it its own part of my weekly reset.
This is a great time for you to deep condition your hair or even use a hair mask. Give your hair that TLC that it deserves!
10. journal
You already know how much of a sucker I am for a journal.
Set aside some time to reflect on your emotions and thoughts. This doesn’t have to be anything too deep. You could simply talk about your favorite thing that happened last week.
Here are some Sunday journal prompts to get you thinking:
- Last week I mainly felt…
- This week I aim to…
- I deserve to have a good day because I…
- Today I plan to…
- One thing I aim to accomplish today is…
11. do your nightly self care

After a long, productive Sunday reset, you probably want to do some self care. This could include taking an “everything shower,” doing a face mask, or something similar.
It feels so good to take a hot shower then crawl into some nice, clean sheets at night. There’s seriously no better feeling!
I recommend that you do something to take care of yourself on Sunday’s.
12. show gratitude
If you haven’t started praciting gratitude, you should start now! This helps to show that you appreciate the things and people you have in your life.
You might have a certain time on Sunday that you practice graitude. It could be when you wake up or part of your nighttime ritual. Any time is perfect!
Show gratitude by:
- Writing your thoughts in a gratitude journal
- Making a list of 5 things/people you’re grateful for
- Doing something kind for someone you appreciate
- Say “I get to…” instead of “I have to…”
13. check bank balances
Even though it’s good to do this everyday, it’s important to do an overall weekly check-in. Log into your online banking platforms and check your balances.
I know it can be scary — trust me; I always get nervous when I do it. But you should do it so you have an idea of how much money is going in and out of your bank accounts.
Also, it’s good to check in case you’re waiting on a refund, reimbursment, or a purchase to settle.
Sometimes banks can be sneaky and take some of your money without your permission. Watch out!
14. pay off credit cards

If you want to be financially free, paying off your credit cards regularly is important. Instead of waiting until the due date, consider making weekly payments.
Sunday is the perfect day to do this because it could be part of your weekly reset routine! You most likely won’t forget it if you do it this way.
Keep it up and your credit score will be on the rise (along with other factors, of course).
RELATED POST: 9 Life-Changing Tips on How to Be Financially Free
15. do your weekly budget check-in
Go to your Excel spreadsheet or physical budget tracker and see what progress you’ve made. Log all of your expenses that you’ve made in the last week.
Make sure you do this every Sunday so you don’t forget. This will help you stay on track with your budget. It really pays off in the long run to stick to a realistic plan.
16. spend time with your friends and family

Your Sunday reset doesn’t have to centered around productivity. Maybe you want to spend the day with the people you love and cherish. That’s totally okay!
You may not get to hang out with them that often, so you should enjoy every moment with them.
Together you guys can:
- Spend the day at a local park
- Go out to eat at your favorite dine-in restaurant
- Explore the city
- Watch a classic movie
- Have a fun bowling, skating, or game night
17. enjoy your hobbies
This is the time to do something you enjoy. Maybe you don’t care to spend the day cleaning or organizing and want to work on a DIY project instead.
That actually sounds pretty fun to me!
I like to play iMessage games like darts and archery with my cousin, Kiara. I feel like this helps my mental health and productivity because I’m not constantly on ‘go mode.’ It gives me a chance to just sit down and do something I enjoy.
Always remember to include time in your schedule to do something fun. This will help keep you sane in the midst of chaos.
RELATED POST: 23 Best Relaxing At Home Self Care Activities to Enjoy
Let’s recap!
We made it to the end of the post!
Today, we talked about 22 productive Sunday reset routine ideas. These are great ideas if you want to get ahead and prepare to have a positive week.
Don’t feel like you have to crunch all these into your routine. What works for me may not work for you — and that’s okay! Just pick a few activities that you’re interested in, try them out, and slowly start implementing them into your ritual.
Please remember to take time to take care of yourself! If you want to do self care on a budget, check out this post: 7 Fulfilling Free Self Care Activities for Self Growth
In the midst of chaos, don’t forget to smile,
DeMarcus – your self care buddy
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This post was all about Sunday reset routine ideas.
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