Although I am a personal development blogger by profession, I am in no way a mental health professional. See my disclaimer for more info.
So, you’re looking to start your self-care journey. You’re in the right place — here’s all about what is self care, how to practice it, and much more.

I heard you wanted to learn a thing or two about self-care!
I started my self-care journey along with my self-growth journey back in January 2024. I know that date makes it sound like your typical new year resolution, but I’ve actually been quite consistent with my goals. I try to fit in as much self-care as possible throughout every week, no matter how busy I am. I can proudly say that I’ve been shifting into a better version of myself by doing this.
If you want to experience the same growth, I can assure you that you’re in the right place. Self-care is vital to having a successful personal growth journey and overall living a better life. So, continue reading for your ULTIMATE self-care guide. You’ll learn all about what self care is, why it’s important, how to practice it, and much more.
Are you ready? Let’s get into it! It’s a long one, so prepare yourself!
What is self care?
When you think of self care, you might think of taking a long, relaxing bath and binge-watching a show on Netflix.
That definitely is a form of self care, but it’s more than that. On a deeper level, it’s all about taking the time to learn more about yourself and cater to your needs.
This applies to every aspect of your life including:
- Finances (making and sticking to realistic budgets, having a stable source of income, working on a positive and non-toxic environment, etc.)
- Relationships (setting healthy boundaries and knowing when it’s time to leave)
- Spirituality (connecting to higher power and finding purpose in life)
- Your body (getting the nutrients you need, getting proper exercise, not ignoring signs that something wrong is happening, taking breaks when needed, etc.)
…and more!
Remember that self care looks different for everyone. Sure, I love resting in bed on my “off days,” but you might prefer to hang out with your friends or stress-clean instead.
Take your time to learn what kinds of self-care activities you enjoy the most.
Why is self care important?
Now that you know what self care is, you’re probably wondering, “Why is it so important? What’s the big deal?”
Self-care is crucial because it helps to improve every part of your life and ultimately allow you to live a fuller, happier life.
Imagine if you didn’t take care of yourself (and I mean mentally, physically, financially — and in every other way imaginable). Imagine treating yourself like crap everyday. It wouldn’t feel so good, would it?
That’s why you have to make an effort to take care of yourself every single day!
Would you like a free self care activities list?
I know it can be difficult to think of different self care ideas, so I did the work for you! I created a FREE list of 81 self care activities that you can enjoy.
To get the list, simply click here.

Types of Self Care:
I’ve already touched on them a bit, but now it’s time to get into the nitty gritty. In case you didn’t know, there are about 8 different types of self care. Here they are:
Emotional self care
Emotional self care relates to things you do to pay attention to and process your emotions, including activities like:
- Journaling
- Chatting with others
- Listening to music
- Seeking a therapist or counselor
- Unplugging (spending time off your devices)
- Practicing gratitude
Mental self care
Mental self care relates to doing things that help stimulate your mind, including activities like:
- Journaling
- Doing puzzles
- Reading
- Listening to podcasts
- Watching TV
Physical self care
Physical self care relates to how you take care of your physical self, including activities like:
- Getting good rest
- Taking a nice, warm bath
- Eating well
- Staying hydrated
- Getting regular exercise
- Spending time in nature
Financial self care
Financial self care relates to how you take care of your finances (in a responsible manner), including activities like:
- Creating and sticking to a reasonable budget
- Saving money for big (and even small) purchases
- Being financially literate
Spiritual self care
Spiritual self care relates to activities that you do to connect either your higher/inner self or a higher power. This gives you a deeper understanding and insight of life as it is, including activities like:
- Meditating
- Praying
- Engaging in acts of kindness
- Donating to charities and organizations
Professional self care
Professional self care relates to creating a sustainable work life and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, including activities like:
- Time-blocking
- Getting good rest
- Eating well
- Learning to say “no”
Social self care
Social self care relates to healthy relationships with friends, family members, coworkers, and other important people in your life, including activities like:
- Setting healthy boundaries
- Connecting with other people
- Spending valuable time in solitude
- Spending your time wisely on social media
Environmental self care
Environmental self care relates to setting up an environment that promotes peace and comfort. This should motivate you to work and give you a positive mindset throughout your daily life, including activities like:
- Making your bed everyday
- Keeping your space neat and tidy
Personal self care
Personal self care relates to getting to know who you are and what things and people you enjoy, including activities like:
- Spending time enjoying your hobbies
- Treating yourself
- Getting to know yourself
THINK: What’s your favorite form of self-care? Tell me in the comments!
Tips for Practicing Self Care:
Alright, let’s end this post strong. Here are a few things I’ve learned on my self-care journey that I feel could help you on your very own journey!
This is the beginning of a new, life-long journey.
There’s tons of information to learn, and while that can totally be exciting, it can also cause some anxiety and confusion. Try not to overwhelm yourself with the wealth of information there is to learn, or with the endless list of activities to enjoy.
Pace yourself because, after all, this IS a life-long journey!
I know what you’re thinking: “But what if I don’t have enough time?!”
Let me just say, I was like that for a while, too. It can be really easy to get caught up in life’s daily tasks, demands, and responsibilities — so much to where you forget to even think about yourself and your well-being. But that can’t happen — not if you want to thrive in every aspect of your life.
So, whenever you have some free time, dedicate that time to yourself. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, I know you’ll appreciate it.
At the start of any journey, you’re likely optimistic and won’t let anybody discourage you to succeed. And I love that for us!
But please acknowledge and accept the fact that there will be ups and downs all throughout your journey. Somedays, you just want to lie in bed and not make any progress. Other days, you feel like you’re on top of the world!
And that’s okay!
Let’s recap!
We made it to the end of the post!
Today, we talked about what is self care.
Practicing self-care regularly is essential to living a happier, better life. I hope this post helped you with your self-care journey!
Please remember to take time to take care of yourself!
I know, in this economy, it can be hard to find free things to do that are fun. That’s why I put together a list of 7 free self care activities to enjoy today!
In the midst of chaos, don’t forget to smile,
DeMarcus – your self care buddy
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